Emergency Meal Bank

Emergency Meal Bank


At Framingham State University, we recognize that student success and well-being are often impacted by stressors that occur outside of the classroom. To support students who are experiencing food insecurity, we have established an emergency meal bank. 

Currently enrolled Framingham State University students may request up to five emergency meals per semester by completing the form below. If you are in need of additional meals, please speak with staff in the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office is located on the 5th floor of the McCarthy Center in room 504 and the office contact information is below. By completing this form, you will also receive outreach from staff in the Dean of Students Office to discuss campus and community resources that may be helpful for you.

To request or donate meals

Additional resources

FSU Campus Community Resource Guide - information on local food, housing, and related resources. 

Rams Resource Center

Financial Assistance Options for Students

If you or someone you know needs help, please contact the Dean of Students Office at 508-626-4596, deanofstudents@zhuzhoubtb.com, or stop by the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office is located on the 5th floor of the McCarthy Center in suite 504.

Dean of Students Office
504 McCarthy Center
Framingham State University
Phone: 508.626.4596 | Fax: 508.626.4087